Friday, April 1, 2011

Frugal Friday- Spring is here at Azure Standard


Have you ever wished you could walk out your front door and enjoy fresh produce? Well, Azure Standard is helping everyone be able to do just that with wonderful starts from “Sarah’s Starts” Available as of today, you don’t want to miss opportunity to get some great plants at great prices!  Azure standard has made getting your garden off to a great start easy and inexpensive. Even if you’re new at the gardening adventure now is your great chance to become more plant savvy! Azure has many ORGANIC gardening items on sale this month! They are not limited to the following, but here are some especially great deals I'd like to highlight for y'all :

            gp299_jpg_300x300_q85Organic Double Standard Sweet Corn Seed (GP299) approximately. 260 seeds


Copenhagen Market Cabbage (GP412) approximately 50 seeds


       Chives (GP159) 4" pot

       Garlic Chives (GP432) 4" pot


Anise, Hyssop, Organic (GP109)



Cherokee Purple Tomato, Organic (GP172)


Big Beef Tomato Organic (GP145)


Bell Pepper Variety (GP178)


I would also encourage you to take a look at the book section. One of our family favorite books is, Organic Gardening (BK140)


Until our next chat,


Miranda is the soon to be “daughter-in- love” of Joseph and Jeanette Wood. Miranda helps in the family business, gives younger children reading lessons, helps maintain the beehives, and whatever else might be happening in the home or on the farm.

Life Verse: 1 Peter 3:15 But to sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:

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