Recipe Cards from Garlic Gold 3/30/2011
These recipes were kindly given to us from Brian Chossek with Garlic Gold after our phone interview on 3/25/2011. Simply click on the link to be taken to a PDF file you can easily download and print off for your family recipe book.
Garlic Gold Quesadilla's
Garlic Gold Bok Choy

Recipe Cards from Pure Alaska Salmon Company 3/2011
These recipes were graciously shared with us by Shirley Zuanich after our phone interview on 3/07/2011. Simply click on the link to be taken to a PDF file you can download and print off for yourself. ENJOY!
Salmon Curry Salad
Irma Beulah's Salmon Coleslaw
Peanut Butter Bar
In January, 2011, we asked for our Facebook readers to share their favorite peanut butter recipe. We had five entries that were taste tested in our family kitchen by my "professional taste testers" also known as my children! While each recipe was creative and a delight to try, only ONE recipe "won" the title as WINNER! Congratulations to Julie B from South Dakota!!
These recipes were kindly given to us from Brian Chossek with Garlic Gold after our phone interview on 3/25/2011. Simply click on the link to be taken to a PDF file you can easily download and print off for your family recipe book.
Garlic Gold Quesadilla's
Garlic Gold Bok Choy

Recipe Cards from Pure Alaska Salmon Company 3/2011
These recipes were graciously shared with us by Shirley Zuanich after our phone interview on 3/07/2011. Simply click on the link to be taken to a PDF file you can download and print off for yourself. ENJOY!
Salmon Curry Salad
Irma Beulah's Salmon Coleslaw
Peanut Butter Bar
In January, 2011, we asked for our Facebook readers to share their favorite peanut butter recipe. We had five entries that were taste tested in our family kitchen by my "professional taste testers" also known as my children! While each recipe was creative and a delight to try, only ONE recipe "won" the title as WINNER! Congratulations to Julie B from South Dakota!!
Peanut Butter Bars
1c. butter (Item number: DP124)
2 c. creamy peanut butter (Item number: NB067)
2 1/2 c. graham cracker crumbs (Item number: SN105)
1 3/4 c. powdered sugar (SW112)
2 1/2 c. graham cracker crumbs (Item number: SN105)
1 3/4 c. powdered sugar (SW112)
2 c. chocolate chips (Item Number: SC005) (I used carob chips item number:BP014)
1/3 c. raw milk
1/3 c. raw milk
Melt butter and peanut butter together. Mix. Remove from heat.
Add in crumbs and powdered sugar. Mix well.
Spread mixture in a jelly roll pan. Chill.
When layer is firm, melt chocolate chips with milk over low heat. Spread over chilled peanut butter. Chill again. Cut into serving size pieces. You can wrap them individually and store in the freezer. Eat them straight from the freezer or thaw slightly.